Software Projects
Tools and libraries I’ve released as open source.
WEB and Mobile application for the management of event entry through QR. Management for delivery of objects registered by QR. Management of score to groups by QR. Infrastructure was used as code with AWS yml is in the same repo, working with SCRUM.
Technologies used
Mobile APP:, Flutter, Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Docker Compose.
Principal Developers- Ing. Adan Condori Callisaya
Create orders and assign them to your drivers with your mobile app, all for free. Drivers now receive their orders to be delivered via push notifications to your app. The project contains Frontend, Backend, Mobile App.
Technologies usedAWS, Ruby on Rails, React js, Android Native, React Native, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Docker Compose.
Principal Developers- Ing. Adan Condori Callisaya
Escuela Bíblica Virtual
In this Application you can find a variety of Bible Courses, which address different topics, such as; Marriage, Prophecies and others. Some of them are even elaborated to meet the needs of young people, teenagers or children. Through this tool you can study, discover and share the great truths that God has recorded in the Holy Scriptures. Project for Android, iOS, Administrative Panel.
Technologies usedAWS, Ruby on Rails, React js, Android Native, IOS Swift, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Docker Compose.
Developer by- Ing. Adan Condori Callisaya
- Ing. Darlyn Bravo Peña
Jovenes con gran pasión en el Club de Conquistadores La presente aplicación contiene un buen número de especialidades la cual podras visualizar y compartir con tus amigos.
Technologies usedAndroid Java Native, Firebase, Database Realtime, Auth.
Developers- Ing. Adan Condori Callisaya
Estudio Online de Joven @ Joven “La Fe de Jesús”, ahora en tu teléfono. 18 Lecciones (ya incluyen los textos Bíblicos y campos de respuestas), esta es una iniciativa de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día, en la Misión del Oriente Boliviano. Proyecto para Android, Panel Administrativo.
Technologies usedAndroid Java Native.
Developers- Ing. Adan Condori Callisaya
- Ing. Alex Jhonny Cruz Mamani
BCS app
Proyecto desarrolado para BCS BROKERS CORPORATIVOS DE SEGUROS S.R.L. el cual beneficia al mercado de seguros con una aplicación que ayudará a nuestros clientes a comunicarnos en los momentos más críticos en todos los casos de siniestros. Proyecto para Android.
Technologies usedAndroid Java Native, Fragment, Notification, Google Maps, Markers, Broadcast, Google Play Store.
Developers- Ing. Adan Condori Callisaya